However, the forecast still depends on the locations from the United Kingdom and its most populated places. The days being forecasted is very advanced compared to other weather forecasts. Users can get the information they needed immediately since the app gives an “at-a-glance forecast.” They will get hourly data of weather forecast that is ahead of up to 14 days. Most locations in the United Kingdom are mapped in the app and an hourly feed of information regarding the weather is provided constantly. The app considers accessibility to all types of users so they included a text-to-speech feature if pressing the device is physically impossible.

Its interface is made to be intuitive and easy to read for everybody’s convenience. The app is constantly improved to be more accessible for all kind of users. The app is a solution to organizing activities to whether they should be moved for another day or be postponed. Some activities are getting canceled because of unforeseen weather changes that abrupt them.

This app is very usable on outdoors, before commuting to a place or simply preparing for a day-long activity.